Thursday, August 10, 2006


Allan Molnar - "Alive Project"

I am waiting to share some experiences with Allan Molnar and his "Alive Project".

I will be involved with other professional musicians/educators in a (roundtable) discussion. This is all live-

I am on the net with KOSA in New York City, New York, USA; me being in Calgary, Alberta, Canada; The benefits for all concerned are huge... I am very excited to be a part of it.

I have known Allan, played music with and enjoyed his friendship for over twenty years! What he and his partner Stewart Smith have developed is really very valuable!

Thursday, March 30, 2006


...While Listening To Myself In The Mirror...

...a career in music? Don't be silly, you won't make a living. That's no life for a son (daughter) of mine.

That's that! I don't want to discuss it again!

Hey! Turn the radio up! I love that song!

Sunday, March 19, 2006


"Vibraphones A Rare Treat In Jazz"

(Copyright Edmonton Journal 2006) Vibraphones a rare treat in jazz::[Final Edition]
Roger Levesque.Edmonton Journal Edmonton, Alta.:Mar 11, 2006. p. E9

EDMONTON - Calgary quartet Vibre uses the underappreciated instrument to good effect

"You can use the vibes to play melody and rhythm and to create textures," explains Faber, "but the particular nature of the instrument is that there's very little you can do on it that will make someone grit their teeth."

For Faber the vibes are wonderful at blending in with other instruments.

"They're so non-offensive, but because they're so transparent you have to make sure that they pull their weight. I'm always trying to make them a little more aggressive and trying to get them to say more. But you can only hit them so hard, so the texture you create with your voicings is really everything."

Monday, January 16, 2006


Jazz & Wine... Does It Get Much Better?

Well... I love wine and... I love jazz... so! Vibré


Music and Massage

The atmosphere you create during massage or bodywork, can add a lot to the experience. I often play music during treatments. Sometimes I choose the music and ask if the client likes it...

Shelly Faber RMT
Shelly Faber's Massage Montage

Thursday, January 12, 2006


...While Listening To Myself In The Mirror...

... I am preparing to record our second album,
I can't help but wonder about all of my mentors...
did they feel any different than I do?
I want to evolve... I want to create...
I want to communicate... I don't want to just slug it out.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Drunks Say The Darnedest Things... (Thanks, Mr. Linkletter)

Once during a set break, one of the "clientele" came up to me and slurred politely, "Mind If I ask you a question"?.

I could see he was looking at the gold bars on my vibraphone.
"Go ahead" sez I.

"Are those real gold bars?" he asks.

Not being in the mood I sez, "ya- see those spaces, those are the ones that I sold when things got rough".

Sunday, January 08, 2006


I mean, I mean every note I play...

Sometimes, I play a few notes and, sometimes I play a lot of notes. It took many years but I can definitely now say: I MEAN EACH & EVERY NOTE I PLAY! (sorry, I didn't mean to scream. I just get excited).

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